180 Grad Wende

180 Grad Wende e.V. is a nationally and internationally active organization dedicated to equal opportunities for young people from marginalized communities.

Creating opportunities

Since 2012, as a social initiative, we have been helping young people to realize their potential and find their place in society through projects geared to their needs.

Engaging people

Our network is supported by committed people who work for others out of their own conviction and promote a vibrant sense of community.

Providing prevention

Our prevention approach, which has received numerous awards and international recognition, is an effective way of countering all forms of hatred, violence and xenophobia.

180 Grad Wende

180 Grad Wende (180 Degrees Turn) is an organisation in the field of social work, education and prevention based in Cologne. The goal of the initiative, which was founded in 2012, is to reach young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and their communities with needs-oriented projects and to provide them with opportunities and perspectives.

With low-threshold (empowerment) projects, individual counselling services and a network of committed key figures from civil society and institutions, it is possible to reach young people right where they are and therefore prevent a sense of disorientation and crime.

With „Keepers“, 180 Grad Wende has been building a network of dedicated individuals from all over NRW since 2017. Key people from different cities are trained, advised and accompanied by the Keepers Kompetenzstelle (Competence Center) in the development of their own projects. In addition, the Kompetenzstelle offers advice and training in the field of prevention to municipalities and professionals.

The approach of 180 Grad Wende was among others evaluated by the German Youth Institute. In addition, the civil society initiative has been awarded several national and international prizes for its innovative approach and effective work.

Years of Experience

Impact Areas

Grad Wende (Degrees Turn)

Multipliers trained

People in the Network

People reached

0 Tolerance towards Hate

Voices from the Network

„I enjoy advocating for the younger generation because I know how good it feels to have someone to talk to and to be part of a network. That wasn’t available to the same extent when I was young, and today, as a coach, that’s exactly what I’m able to provide.“


180 Grad Wende Coach

„180 Grad is active in many places, helping to convince the discouraged and the doubtful that their advocacy for a voice and participation in democratic processes is well worth the effort, too.“

Matthias Ferring

Commissioner Police Cologne (ret.)

„180 Grad was the only contact that helped our school competently, in a practical and personal way when dealing with a person who had been radicalized. Our school is happy to cooperate with such a great team!“

Christiane von Stechow


Zwei Männer sitzen vor Laptop und führen ein Gespräch
Eine junge Frau mit Hijab lächelt in die Kamera und sitzt in einem Workshopraum mit anderen Teilnehmer:innen.
Kleiner Junge steht vor Netz und sieht beim Fußball spielen zu.
Junger Mann sitzt mit Laptop auf einem Sofa im Wendepunkt Kalk

Projects and Offers

Youth and Young Adults

Kick It Against Hate
Case Consultation


Keepers Qualification
Keepers Counselling




International Partners

Extremely Together


Schools and Youth Centers

(School) Workshops
Keepers Kompetenzstelle
Keepers Media Library

Municipalities and Organizations

Consulting by the
Keepers Kompetenzstelle

Our Project Family

180 Grad Wende
Logo 180 Grad Wende
Papierflieger auf weißem Grund

180 Grad Wende Pluskurs

Junge Frau im Hijab sitzt mit jungem Mann vor Rechner

Since 2016, the „Pluskurs“ has been helping adolescents and young adults in Cologne, Bonn and Leverkusen to access school, training and work. The young role models who lead the „Pluskurs“ are able to reach and motivate those who would otherwise hardly be reached.

In the weekly course, participants are supported throughout the process, from orientation in their professional goals to successful employment. They learn how to write job applications and are prepared for job interviews. Individual and flexible counselling as well as a positive peer group dynamic contribute to the motivation and commitment of the participants.

800+ successfully placed participants

83% say they have become more self-confident

97% would recommend the Pluskurs

News from the Blog

Mimoun Berrissoun honoured with Mevlüde Genç Medal

© Land NRW / Uta WagnerGreat honour for Mimoun Berrissoun and 180 Grad Wende (180 degrees turn): The government of North Rhine-Westphalia has honoured Mimoun's commitment against disorientation, radicalisation and crime with the Mevlüde Genç Medal. The award was...





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