


Responsible for the contents of this page is:

Jugendbildungs- und Sozialwerk Goethe e.V.
Buchforststr. 113
51103 Köln
Postfach 80 05 42
51005 Köln
Phone: +49 221 16832209
E-Mail: info@180gradwende.de

Account owner:

Jugendbildungs- und Sozialwerk Goethe e.V.
IBAN: DE45430609674045621300
Bank: GLS Bank

Listed in the register of associations:

Local court Cologne VR 17553
Chairman: Ümran Seven
Director: Mimoun Berrissoun

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Although180 Degrees Turn has checked the linked websites for legal concerns when first linking the external links and found nothing. However, only the condition when the link was created for the first time could be checked. As far as the established proper condition should not be preserved in the future, the operator of the website is not liable for this. By setting external links, there is no endorsement of the content of the other websites.This does not affect the fact that external links are deleted by the provider if the provider receives positive knowledge of infringements on the other websites.

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